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Case Reflection Discussion

Case Reflection Discussion

Q A case brief identifies the major elements of a case such as the important facts, issue, rule, reasoning and decision. Please see the general description of the case brief assignment noted in the syllabus and the case brief assignment instructions posted under the "Getting Started" module. For this discussion board, please respond to the following questions: 1. State two reasons why reviewing past case decisions is important for learning business law. 2. Please explain what might be the purpose or benefit of preparing a case brief.

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As suggested in this semester, I would like to mention that I have selected the case of “Dartmouth College v. Woodward”. This case is basically a landmark decision of the United States corporate law mainly dealing with the solicitation of the contracts clause. It was in the year 1816, when the New Hampshire legal rules made an attempt to create some modifications at the Dartmouth College; well-known as one of the privately owned funded organization to be transformed into a state university ("How to Write a Case Brief for Law School | LexisNexis", 2018).